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For the sake of the argument
Saturday, September 01, 2007
But while googling up various references to his work, I discovered to my astonishment that after all that and more to his lasting credit, he's a 9/11 Truther! (He never hints at this in his articles that appear on Counterpunch and, neither of which will touch 9/11 Truth with a bargepole.) This shock followed on the heels of my dismay at seeing the redoubtable Robert Fisk taking an exploratory trip down that same rabbit-hole. The slightest serious recourse to the internet Fisk so despises whould have shown him the naivety of his rhetorical questions. (The temperatures at which kerosene burns and steel melts are not the same. Makes you think, dunnit?) Last summer I stumbled across 9/11 Truth while researching conspiracy theories for the novel I was writing, and was intrigued enough to go downstairs and watch for the first time the videotape I'd made of the news on the fateful day. I replayed the impacts and the collapses over and over - slo-mo, freeze, second by second, rewind - and came away convinced that the official, government-approved, state-sponsored, media-hyped truth about the physical causes of the collapse of the WTC towers was beyond reasonable doubt. It's astonishing to watch Truther videos that show the collapses side by side with clips of controlled demolitions, which make the contrast between the phenomena as clear as clear can be, with a voice-over insisting that they're identical. The only similarity is that the towers fell vertically. How, I ask, would you expect a tower slammed near the top by a jetliner and weakened by fire to fall? Sideways? Suppose it were true that the some sinister cabal in the US government pickled the Roswell aliens, shot JFK, faked the Moon landings and brought down the Towers. You know what? Compared with what the US and other governments do in plain sight, these would be as dust in the balance. The real radical challenge is to make that as evident to your neighbours as it is to you. 58 Comments:
I didn't know that he was a Truther, but I did know that he was a jerk. He once wrote in Counterpunch that Osama Bin Laden was going to unite the Sunni and Shia of Iraq to defeat the US. I wrote to him that this was exceedingly unlikely, considering that Bin Laden considers Shia heretics and openly espouses killing them, not to mention that most Sunni disapprove of Bin Laden.
I note also that if the World Trade Center towers had fallen precisely vertically, we wouldn't have lost the Deutsche Bank Building, which is currently (six years later) being slowly but not carefully enough taken down. Slowly because it's a toxic waste site; "not carefully enough" because carelessness in the process has cost two lives so far.
I'm stunned whenever I hear these people doubting that planes brought down the towers, or the ones who say that Flight 93 landed at a secret military base and a missile was fired into the Pentagon for appearances; try telling that last one the families of the people who died on Flight 93.
I think much of what drives 9/11 Truth conspiracy theories is an awareness that the official story is lying about something; there was stalling, delay, and prevarication all over the process of producing the reports, and a comprehensive impression that those in power think they have something to hide. Excellent summation, Ken. I'm reminded of the first time I listened to Naom Chomsky. It's amazing how something that you've never noticed before can be so obvious when it's pointed out.
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"Last summer I stumbled across 9/11 Truth ..."
Thanks for printing my comment. As Hauss says, the left is not going to be able to run away from this issue forever. And Robert Fisk should know that his doubts are justified, and shared by many, many serious people. Most of them don't make the mistake of obsessing over the collapse of the Three Towers - or the even more elementary error of reversing the burden of proof.
You mean, for a full five years you had never doubted that the Bush gang was telling you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but?
Perhaps we have that for the same reason we had such outlandish "modern art" in the 70's, eh? Talk about your Illuminatus moments -- but after all, why not?
"First, can you point me to one site - one - that questions the official story and is not chockful of links to amateurish and ludicrous if not manifestly deranged stuff, as most of the top 9/11 Truth sites are? (Serious request.)" Beware: qlipoth's postings on this subject will get longer and longer and angrier and angrier until everybody agrees (which they won't).
Comfortable on their couch, Justin and his cat never get angry about anything at all, thus demonstrating the way forward for the left. It's not true. The football commentator on La Sexta makes us both very angry indeed.
On the one hand, just as going into cover up mode was the automatic response of Nixon aides to Watergate, one that didn't need explicit central instructions, so also keeping the facts concealed was the mindset of government officials going into events of the 11th of September 2001. The presence of official concealment only speaks to SOP, not to something needing to be concealed (after all, if they had waited for that, they would have missed the boat in concealing it).
If I've deciphered your argument correctly, Mr. Lawrence, you're telling us that the very unconvincingness of the US government's explanation in fact proves (somehow) that they actually have a convincing explanation up their sleeve.
qlipoth, thanks for the pointers. I'll follow them up when I have time.
Sorry, Ken, I had meant to respond to your other points, but duty called elsewhere and I got distracted. Justin will titter, but this is going to have to be a lengthy reply.
Nobody believes the administration is completely blameless; they've acted with such thorough incompetence that everything about 9/11's been mishandled; the fact of the incompetence itself speaks to their inability to plan something this elaborate without screwing it up, royal. It's wearying to hear this "incompetence" nonsense churned out again and again and again. Look what their "incompetence" has gained them since 9/11: a massive boost to Bush's popularity, a supine populace, a Patriot Act, a Homeland Security Act, a massively-increased military budget, a huge rise in oil-company profits, a free ticket for their long-planned wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, a second election victory, and too much else to list.
"Not of its own accord, anyway."
What boost to Bush's popularity? The Patriot act is a show of incompetence in government - all accross the board - with it's focus being far too broad (making it virtually impossible to glean any useful information out of the tangled heap of collected data sources without a large, dedicated processing centre and very restrictive search parametres) an its ratification having been a joke in the first place.
"What boost to Bush's popularity?"
The Sphere of the Qlippoth is known for their unceasing and inane chatter.
Ah. I see. I was still writing from the assumption that the administration didn't orchestrate the attacks of 9/11 . I understand where you got the boost in popularity thing, now.
"If I've deciphered your argument correctly, Mr. Lawrence, you're telling us that the very unconvincingness of the US government's explanation in fact proves (somehow) that they actually have a convincing explanation up their sleeve."
Steven Alleyn: "So yes; the administration is incompetent. Every time they've tried to do anything, it's gone to hell; unfinished war in Afghanistan, thorough quagmire in Iraq, leaks in the CIA and corruption throughout their judiciary appointees - to start with."
P.J. Lawrence wrote:
"Far be it from me to aspire etc "
Yes but on this channel I get subtitles. And the kittypuss likes watching the mouse.
"Secrecy dominates this world, and foremost as the secret of domination."
There are, as Steve Alleyn said, people who are simply evil. They will kill others as well as themselves in order to obtain their 72 virgins. What exactly do they plan to do with these 72 virgins? Buy them flowers, write love letters? Marry all of them? Apparently humans are in desperate need of new metaphors to supplement their religious beliefs with less condescending and more modern rewards.
Explanations That Explain Nothing, Vol. 253: Following in Anon's example, I'd like to offer Qlipoth a quote from one of this blog's author's best-written characters: "There is no conspiracy."
A quote is no substitute for argument and evidence. It is not up to you, or to a fictional character, to decide ad hoc whether - in any particular case - there is a conspiracy or not.
So you're arguing that those 19 Deathloving Superstudents met up by chance on the planes?
Hateful, superstitious people doing evil things for hateful, superstitious reasons.
I see, Steven. When "hateful, superstitious people" (i.e., Muslims) have a plan and act in concert, then it isn't a conspiracy; it's something else.
You are talking complete and utter rubbish. What you mean, but won't say, is that our white rulers do not engage in conspiracies.
"Discuss the second of these two sentences with reference to the first."
Occam's razor, guys. We've got "hit by terrorists that have attacked before, weakened by fire" versus "sinister government plot".
Discuss Justin's penchant for thought-free, archly catty one-liners with reference to his support for the Recumbency Strategy
Auld Occam's not in with a shout;
The New Criminology of the 9/11Falsers:
For those without the mental stamina to actually read the last anonymous post (mine) in full, allow me to be more to the point: I'm not saying "Bin Laden dunnit". I'm saying its all pointless bloody speculation, and cold hard facts about 9/11 are thin on the ground (and you can speculate about why that is too, but it won't get you anywhere).
"cold hard facts about 9/11 are thin on the ground"
Cold hard facts about Scottish football are also thin on the ground, unless you actually take the trouble to go looking for them.
Maybe now time for a last word on all this? That is that there was a conspiracy, there was no conspiracy.
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For all his caveats I was also astonished by Robert Fisk's piece in The Independent, all the more so because I admire the guy tremendously. This is Robert Fisk, I mean, not any hack like Johan Hari and I wouldn't have expected such naivety from him.
Still, there is a comment from Howard Jacobson in today's Indy in which he tries to take a pop at Fisk (on another topic) and is less than convincing imo. But that's Jacobson for you: writes beautifully and makes me think but never really convinces me...
Arnaud, at
Saturday, September 01, 2007 6:25:00 pm