The Early Days of a Better Nation

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Coming of the Cyberspace Seven

US-Australian company Emotiv announces a an EEG headset for interacting with video games. The device picks up brain impulses and facial movements and translates them into emotions and actions by the avatars.

Not quite yet the headband of the Ono-Sendai deck in William Gibson's Neuromancer, but close. Gamers, relieved from joystick thumb and other repetitive strain injuries, will just have to find something else to do with their hands.


That mean we get to play with Molly and her killtronic scalpel fingers?

Well, if that's what floats your boat ...

It would make certain things in Second Life more enjoyable...

If you like that, you might be interested in this:
Bionic contact lenses. It's interesting that one of the iconic cyberpunk images - of 'jacking in' - might be circumvented entirely by wireless technologies

and now we DO get headbands:

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