Ken MacLeod's comments.
The title comes from two quotes:
“Work as if you lived in the early days of a better nation.”—Alasdair Gray.
“If these are the early days of a better nation, there must be hope, and a hope of peace is as good as any, and far better than a hollow hoarding greed or the dry lies of an aweless god.”—Graydon Saunders
The cover art for Fractions, Tor's omnibus edition of the first two Fall Revolution novels, has been revealed and it looks great. The book is due out in, aptly enough, the fall.
My short story 'Lighting Out' was also short-listed for a BSFA Award. Like the others, it's being podcast by that fine site Starship Sofa. Not only that, it's narrated by Diane Severson, a beautiful professional soprano singer. My work on this planet is done.
Impressive, but I can't listen to the podcast... they appear to be perfectly valid MP3's consisting of very short staticy pops. An audiophile would be able to describe this better, I'm sure.
I'm going to have to pass on buying Fractions, I'm afraid - I've already purchase both the Star Fraction and The Stone Canal (I've purchased the latter TWICE, because of a thieving friend who misunderstood the word "borrow").
I am looking forward to Night Sessions, though, and I'd love to get my hands on a copy Real Soon Now. Any idea when it's going to be available in North America?
"uncertainty is information" googled 29 results: response to uncertainty is information seeking, Uncertainty is information! – Where to do further research.
response to uncertainty is information seeking, Uncertainty is information! – Where to do further research. (:see link at bottom:) The fundamental cause of uncertainty is information deficiency uncertainty is information you need but do not currently have;) uncertainty is information is desired uncertainty is information retrieval "Whatever resolves uncertainty is information. Power will accrue to the man [or woman!] who can handle information." R. Buckminster Fuller Although risk and uncertainty appear similar in nature, uncertainty is fundamentally different from risk; the opposite of uncertainty is information which .. The flip side of uncertainty is information. The person who knows that she will roll a seven - she knows that the dice are loaded - takes no chance. ... The decrease of uncertainty is information and ‘the amount of information is not a function of what does happen; rather it is a function of what could have .. misconceptions: that the main response to uncertainty is information seeking, and. that the aim and significant outcome of any encounter with uncertainty ... uncertainty is information asymmetry uncertainty is information malpractice.(:A document without references or acknowledgments of uncertainty is information malpractice:) (:this sentence contains a corrected common misselling:) uncertainty is ‘information sensitive’ Because negative uncertainty is information, a negative change in confusion. corresponds to a positive change in information uncertainty is information-gathering. Whatever resolves uncertainty is information The fundamental cause of uncertainty is information deficiency uncertainty is information you need but do not currently have;) uncertainty is information is desired uncertainty is information retrieval "Whatever resolves uncertainty is information. Power will accrue to the man [or woman!] who can handle information." R. Buckminster Fuller Although risk and uncertainty appear similar in nature, uncertainty is fundamentally different from risk; the opposite of uncertainty is information which .. The flip side of uncertainty is information. The person who knows that she will roll a seven - she knows that the dice are loaded - takes no chance. ... The decrease of uncertainty is information and ‘the amount of information is not a function of what does happen; rather it is a function of what could have .. misconceptions: that the main response to uncertainty is information seeking, and. that the aim and significant outcome of any encounter with uncertainty ... uncertainty is information asymmetry uncertainty is information malpractice.(:A document without references or acknowledgments of uncertainty is information malpractice:) (:this sentence contains a corrected common misselling:) uncertainty is ‘information sensitive’ Because negative uncertainty is information, a negative change in confusion. corresponds to a positive change in information uncertainty is information-gathering. Whatever resolves uncertainty is information
diverse causes neutralizes effects diverse influences neutralizes being influenced
I have been thinking about positive, negative and neutral mental, physical & emotional ideas, with a focus on neutrality. I came upon a foreword by H.L. Mencken for 'Sister Carrie' by Theodore Dreiser; in discussing Dreiser's writing style Mencken wrote about diverse writing influences and how they neutralized each other, with the result of awriting style that become uniquely Dreiser.
Sourcejedi, the podcast worked fine for me, so there may be a problem at your end.
Steven, I'm sure the omnibuses are aimed mainly at new readers, and not to extract even more dosh from loyal readers such as yourself :-)
I don't know when (or if) The Night Sessions will be published in the US. It's in the lap of the gods - or rather, the laptop of my US editor - at the moment.
In case anyone is wondering (as I did for a moment) what the heck Glen's comment is about: 'uncertainity is information' is a catchphrase used in The Executuion Channel.
Congrats on the nomination Ken - I think the Execution Channel is an excellent book. The only other one on the shortlist is Richard Morgan's 'Black Man'. Although a decent enough Sci-Fi thriller I didn't expect it to make any awards shortlists. This is coming from the man whose first comment on seeing Ridley Scott's 'Gladiator' was "well it isn't going to win any oscars..." so my judgement may be a bit off.
Regarding the Clarke awards, I always got the impression that they like embarassing 'literary' novelists by associating them with the genre - Margaret Atwood has won it, Kazuo Ishiguru was shortlisted a few years back, at least 2 from this year I'm sure aspire to be regarded as 'serious' literature.
KEN: Love the Podcast! A truly wonderful narration by Diane Serverson. I couldnt help laughing at the "aaaaahhh" part during the tube-travel sequence. -DP
Just read the Execution Channel and find the book better than suspected -- the mainstream-thriller-terror angle in its marketing was a reason I bought it rather late, but now I've redd it, I'm quite happy I did it -- it is one of the first books that fully crasp mobile internet, blogs and the network society.
I see your short story 'Who's Afraid of Wolf 359?' has been nominated for a Hugo - can this be found anywhere apart from the New Space Opera anthology? Are you really referencing Star Trek here?
Impressive, but I can't listen to the podcast... they appear to be perfectly valid MP3's consisting of very short staticy pops. An audiophile would be able to describe this better, I'm sure.
sourcejedi, at
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 8:33:00 pm