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Ken MacLeod's comments. “If these are the early days of a better nation, there must be hope, and a hope of peace is as good as any, and far better than a hollow hoarding greed or the dry lies of an aweless god.”—Graydon Saunders Contact: kenneth dot m dot macleod at gmail dot com Blog-related emails may be quoted unless you ask otherwise.
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Friday, April 17, 2009
This year's Eastercon, LX 2009 was a blast. (For anyone who doesn't know: Eastercon is the largest annual British SF convention. A science fiction convention isn't - contrary to popular misconception - a gathering of people dressed as Klingons (not that there's anything wrong with that). It's a gathering of people dressed as Victorians. (Actually, that's an exaggeration too. A couple of nice photosets by Mark Bukumunhe and Ian Sales give a fair idea of what an Eastercon crowd looks like.)) The Night Sessions (just out in paperback, by the way) won the BSFA Award for best novel of 2008, and the awards are, as usual, works of art. I totally didn't expect this, given the strength of the list. I'd already read out the short-list and presented the Award for best non-fiction, and was delighted that it went to Farah Mendlesohn for her brilliant and original Rhetorics of Fantasy. Congratulations to all the winners. Thanks to my The Science Fiction Foundation's annual George Hay Lecture was presented Adrian Bowyer, on the RepRap machine, an attempt to build a useful self-replicating desktop factory. The lecture was perfectly pitched to a scientifictional audience (Bowyer had told Cory Doctorow: 'You write novels about what I'm doing!') and I was sold on the whole thing the moment I handled one of its products, a chunky and robust plastic coat-hook. RepRap ain't a Von Neumann machine just yet - it only makes all the plastic parts needed for another copy of itself - but the mad scientists are already working on a version that makes its own electrical circuits, and after that, who knows? The very first BSFA lecture (the intended series will complement the Hay lectures by being on the humanities, rather than science) was given by historian Shana Worthen, on 'Visualising Time in the Middle Ages', and was about calendars and clocks. She began by wishing us a happy new year - one calendar, the Gallic, had the year starting, most inconveniently, on the moveable feast of Easter Sunday. Much that we take for granted had to be invented: the twenty-four hour day dates back to Babylon, but the length of an hour as measured by a sundial varied with the length of the day - and the first mechanical clocks tried to reproduce this. It's kind of heartening to know that the classic mistake of designing the solution before specifying the problem didn't start with IT departments. Tim Powers was author Guest of Honour, and he was great. In his GoH interview, conducted by his bibliographer John Berlyne, Powers told lots of entertaining tales about his life and gave lots of advice about writing, including a method for finding or inventing weird events in history by looking for clues in biographies of historical characters: watch out for when the biographer says something like 'and then, inexplicably ...'; combine the subject's timetable with someone else's timetable or a known series of events (like Bordeaux good and bad years), spot any coincidences and ask 'Can this be coincidence?'; and always say 'Yes, but why did he really do that?' In short, write your own conspiracy theories! A consequence of doing this, Powers said, was that he could never take conspiracy theories seriously. It's like, hey man, making this stuff up is my day job. Go bother someone else. In his talk on 'How to Plot a Novel', Powers gave a masterclass on the subject, which I can't begin to reproduce here (but may attempt some other time). One memorable tip was to start with 'placing imaginary bets' - to write down every idea that occurs to you, without editing (a process he said was inspired by a ridiculous system for winning at games of chance by first losing ten thousand dollars on imaginary bets, thus using up all your bad luck) and then critically examining the ideas: questioning them, reversing them, often enough rejecting them. As he pointed out, 'But I thought of it!' is not a good reason for keeping an idea. Lots of other panels, mostly good. Kari ended one on 'Re-creating History' by revealing a closely-guarded secret of medieval historians: 'People knew how to hem.' Clute said the genres of the fantastic were born of ruins and futurity. At the panel on 'Alternate Socialist Britains' I kept my mouth shut, perhaps wisely. At 'SF as Protest Literature' artist GoH David Lloyd said that the Watchmen film was 'pretty good' and that he didn't mind surveillance cameras. On 'Bad Biology' Paul McAuley remarked that silicon-based life 'could be squishy'. The panel convened by Farah Mendlesohn on 'Pacifism and Non-Violence in SF' benefited from being on a subject on which there is a manageably small amount of source material. The discussion led me to make one of my very few comments from the floor. A more articulate and argued version of that comment would be this: We already know how to have peace over large areas of the Earth, and that is by having large states covering those areas. (The combat death rate for men of military age in typical stateless societies far exceeds that in inter-state wars, including world wars.) SF has in its default assumptions a way to get to peace without pacifism, and that is the World State. Even Starship Troopers gives this answer, just as much as Star Trek or anything by H. G. Wells, Isaac Asimov or Arthur C. Clarke. Heinlein's Federation is a World State, and (consequently) there is peace within the human species. It just has wars with aliens. But there are no aliens. So we could have peace. Labels: self-promotion, skiffy, writing 37 Comments:
Congratulations on winning the BSFA!
P.S. - A couple of links: I want to correct a common bit of linguistic stretching concerning von Neumann and those machines named after him. The fact is this. Johnny (Janos, Johan) v, Neumann was thinking about computers and automata in general. At that time (c. 1950) he thought that artificial life was possible by using automata. Someone challenged him by claiming that no conceivable machine could crank out a reproduction of itself (a replica). Von Neumann thought about that and went to work. His posthumous MS shows how you can make such a device. It describes an automaton with less than 30 possible states to be in (I'm simplifying a bit). You give those states an initial condition, let it alone for a while while programmed state-transitions occur, and out comes the replica. A bit later mathematicians simplified his design by producing gizmos with fewer states that replicate. OK. Now note the word REPLICATE. That's ALL they CAN do. Indeed, SELF-REPLICATE. But today's SF has changed this meaning into one that denotes gadgets that can change just about anything into something else. So we have machines that eat up Jupiter---or something like that, for their own or their controllers' purposes. I PROTEST. This is NOT what von Neumann machines do. They do ONLY what v.N. proved they can do. Other machines might be able to change ME into Jupiter for all I know, but then we've left Von Neumann Janos very far behind. OK. That's an historical point about the correct use of words. An alternative reversal of your logic to Roderick T. Long's would be that a World State might be created or might hold together because there are wars with aliens - in much the way that conservatives try to hold societies together by declaring "Wars on *". Actually, George Berger, Von Neumann also showed that his self-reproducing automata were Turing-complete. Therefore, while they might not be able to turn anything into anything else or eat Jupiter, they could not only reproduce themselves, but they could also perform any computational algorithm.
a World State might be created or might hold together because there are wars with aliens Before Watchmen it was a Theodore Sturgeon story, "Unite and Conquer," if I remember the title right. In Minnesota the sci-fi convention is the largest BDSM event of the year, under the cover of being a Gor event.
Renegade eye, something like that may have been true at one time, but after the SF fans got tired of being sneered at by all the other 'alternative' types who turned up, Minicon went very deliberately back to being an SF convention. Or so I was told when I went there a few years ago. Thanks Edward, I didn't know that. Also, "george" is good enough. I only use my full name so that friends and colleagues will know that it's me at work or play. So... where is the evidence that stateless societies are more violent? Where are MacLeod's examples? Is it early Iceland, which was far less violent than its contemporaries, the Wild West, where violence went UP after the establishment of civilization, or Somalia, which has been improving economically ever since they became Stateless?
I have read David Friedman's account of early Iceland, but I have also read William Ian Miller's much longer and more detailed account. From the latter, it does not appear that Iceland was stateless. François: No, of course it's not an answer to your question; it wasn't meant to be. It's a rejection of one of your proposed examples of a stateless society, on the ground that it's not truly stateless.
Francois Tremblay, we have little direct evidence about stateless societies because of an observer effect: records were generally made of, say, African or Irish tribal society by colonialists who were bringing in a state and who disrupted records and traditions left by those. Furthermore, when they tapped into local accounts of the times immediately preceding, they weren't getting accounts of untouched societies but of societies that were heavily disrupted by the precursors of civilisation, e.g. slavers disrupting everything they left behind or traders selling guns which let some local groups become dominant - de facto or de jure states (as in Hawaii, Madagascar or among the Maori, as when some of those wiped out or forcibly assimilated the Chatham Islanders).
I agree that Iceland wasn't perfectly stateless (though it was much closer to statelessness than to the contemporary conception of a state). But I think when you talk about the thing having a monopoly you mean the Althing. Because things precisely didn't have a monopoly; you could change your thing membership (and thus your godhi -- who was both the provider of security services and your representative at the Althing) without changing your geographical residence. The Althing (an assembly of all the things) was a monopoly (though seats on the Althing were private property and could be bought and sold), but it had no powers of enforcement; all enforcement took place at the competitive level of the godhi.
Francois, you quite rightly ask for evidence. Thanks to a commenter on Roderick T. Long's blog, and a few clicks, I've tracked down what seems to be the strongest current source: War before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage by Lawrence H. Keeley. Keeley's book came out after Steven Pinker's How the Mind Works (which was, I think, where I originally came across this point, though I no longer have a copy of that book to hand) so I guess Pinker used the same or similar original sources in the anthopology literature. I don't believe that one second. In our modern warfare, civilians represent 90% of casualties. There's no way you can prove to me that it was worse in primitive times. It's not the proportion of civilians in the casualties, but the proportion of the civilian casualties to the population, that tends to be higher in primitive warfare, according to reviews of Keeley's book. Which makes sense: few (if any) inter-state conflicts have led to the population of the losing side's being wiped out to the last man, woman, and child, whereas plenty of inter-'tribal' conflicts have.
I don't deny that primitive societies tend (with perhaps some exceptions) to be fairly violent. But the equation of primitive societies with stateless ones is problematic, since the examples of relatively orderly stateless societies I cited are not primitive. Hence my point -- that it's the primitiveness, not the statelessness, that cause the violence.
Aside: I should have written "near every man's door there grows a thorn bush".
Roderick, it seems that we are in violent agreement, as folks used to say on Usenet.
One good example of yr non-statists resisting a state for some time is the Mapuche resistance to conquest by the Spaniards and later the Chileans.
"And I'm sure we can remove ancient Canaan from the list of stateless massacres! There's no strong archaeological evidence that any Israelite conquest and extermination actually happened." Charles Johnson has an interesting blog post about our discussion here. Ken says: I've never worn a Klingon costume, or any other skiffy costumeI beg to differ. I have reason to believe that Ken MacLeod constantly goes around dressed as Ken MacLeod, the famous science fiction writer. The ST state seemed to be larger than a world. Single state may be a good description of the default solution. The single state needs to be one that regards itself as a whole, not one that seeks distinctions among its population, and kills them. Speaking of Tim Powers contriving conspiracies from the coincidences that are more common than people suppose, this TED talk does the same thing to the phrase "4 in the morning", weaving a sinister conspiracy out of the times and places the phrase appears. Chris, I gather Keeley is well impressed with the resistance capacity of tribal societies, and argues that they have been underestimated and patronised despite giving would-be conquerors decades of grief. Ten thousand pounds of education/felled by a ten-rupee jezail, sort of thing. That's actually "Two thousand pounds of education Drops to a ten-rupee jezail" [emphasis added], according to Arithmetic on the Frontier - there's inflation for you. The rest of it is well worth digesting, too.
Thanks for posting about this, I would love to read more about this topic.
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This duality of fixed hours and variable hours has come up in my current project for Steve Jackson Games: GURPS Low-Tech, a catalog of equipment available in various eras before 1720. In the section on time measuring devices, I had to discuss the two types of hours, and specify whether each device typically kept fixed or variable hours. Variable hours were the natural effect of measuring time by the sun and of sundials, but mechanical devices as early as the water clock or clepsydra were easier to make to keep fixed hours—and apparently some ancient Egyptian clepsydrae were built with several different scales for different months, to approximate the changing length of sundial hours.
I also ran across the amusing anecdote about an Athenian courtesan who was nicknamed "the clepsydra" because she kept one by her bed to time her clients' visits. It's curious to see a situation where "punching the time clock" (so to speak) is a device used by labor to control the demands of the employer. . . .
Anyway, it's an old problem in time measurement. The spread of mechanical clocks seemingly didn't so much inspire a new approach as change the relative ease of applying the two approaches.
William H Stoddard, at
Friday, April 17, 2009 1:27:00 pm