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Ken MacLeod's comments. “If these are the early days of a better nation, there must be hope, and a hope of peace is as good as any, and far better than a hollow hoarding greed or the dry lies of an aweless god.”—Graydon Saunders Contact: kenneth dot m dot macleod at gmail dot com Blog-related emails may be quoted unless you ask otherwise.
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For the sake of the argument
Thursday, July 09, 2009
So far, so familiar. We've all seen depictions of societies like that, in Conan movies if nothing else. However ... 'On a certain day 9200 years ago the manorial houses at the north side of the large square in Çayönü were burnt down, and this happened so fast that the owners were not able to save any of their treasures. The temple was torn down and burnt, and even the floor was ripped open, the stone pillars around the free space were taken down and the taller of them were broken up. The place itself - previously maintained and kept meticulously clean for more than 1000 years - was converted into a municipal waste dump. After a short chaotic transition all houses had been torn down. The slums in the west disappeared for good, but only a few steps away from the spot where the ruins of the manorial houses had burnt the new Çayönü was erected. The new houses were comparable in size to the old manors but there were no more houses or shacks built to an inferior standard. In all houses, work was done and all hints to social differences were erased.' I can't help being thrilled at the thought of these stone age revolutionaries, burning the big houses of the masters and storming that terrifying temple, perhaps fearfully at first, then joyfully turning the gruesome house of the gods into a tip. But we all know what happened next, don't we? The new society of equals was crushed by outside invasion, or a new caste or class of officials arose and things were soon worse than before ... something like that, yes? Actually, no. The new type of society spread for thousands of miles and remained free, equal, happy and peaceful for three thousand years. The site from which I've excerpted the above quotes (stripping out the numerous references to the archaeological literature) interprets this stone age classless and stateless society as communism. (Thanks to the latest issue of International Socialism for the pointer.) This may be controversial, but the archaeology is entirely mainstream, and there is no disagreement that the neolithic societies of ancient Anatolia, whose best-preserved site is Çatalhöyük, were very remarkable indeed. 8 Comments:
That's an interesting bit of history. But, you know, I'm not sure I would apply the category of "communism." It could just as well be interpreted as a conflict between two different versions of private property: In English terms, the monopoly-grants version and the version favored by the Levellers. Yeah, these are interesting speculations, and I think all kinds of social anarchists might be just as interested as communists in this 'archaic utopia'. Whatever it might be called, it upsets a lot of apple carts - no evidence so far of any social division between the sexes, and no evidence of any deaths by violence, over a very long time. That's staggeringly unusual.
Societies compete primarily with other societies in terms of force concentration, not to make the lives of those living in them pleasant. (The enlightenment can be seen as the argument that individual quality of life had value...)
Agricultural stateless societies with communal economics have been a long interest of mine.
Flint, many thanks for your comment and all those interesting links. Good news about your sister, too.
Breitling Watches
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Anonymous, at
Friday, July 10, 2009 6:50:00 am