The Early Days of a Better Nation

Sunday, October 11, 2009

'I am Spart!', say a touching number of Tory bloggers

Leftwing blogger and author Dave Osler is facing a libel case over a blog comment. The implications for political blogging in the UK are considerable. Bloggers from left and right, including (I'm pleased to see) some of the more, ah, vehement stalwarts of the British right-libertarian/Tory blogosphere, are rallying round. 'Speaking on behalf of the political blogosphere, may I say that while you're clearly a terminally deluded lefty imbecile, you're our terminally deluded lefty imbecile,' says one. Further expressions of fraternal solidarity would be welcome.

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'I am Spart!', say a touching number of Tory bloggers.

Very good.

Yes, support Dave Osler!

Thanks for posting that Ken. I just said a few words on Mr Osler's blog.

In the US some years back, Keith Henson was convicted of interfering with a religion and ultimately jailed because he made a joke about Tom Cruise on alt.religion.scientology.

Henson served actual jail time for posting the fighting-words phrase "Tom Cruise missiles" on the intertubes. His utterance of these dire words made Henson so deeply suppressive, so uniquely damaging to practicing Scientologists that his subsequent peaceful picketing was the moral equivalent of physical assault (or so testified several followers of ElRon Hubbard).

You could look it up.

Im my country, sadly, it's the Atheist blogging which is under the scope of 'moralists', 'right-doers' and bigots alike. Freethinking, as well as no-religion and skepticism, are broadly faced as the devil's workshop.

Back when I still updated my blog, my insights on Politics, Economics and whatnot were largely left uncommented, in contrast to my spicy remarks on the Pope's sexuality and - to a larger extent - to the Pope's utility in this contemporary world.

Now those received a shower of slander, curses, fire, brimstone...

in contrast to my spicy remarks on the Pope's sexuality and - to a larger extent - to the Pope's utility in this contemporary world.
Now those received a shower of slander, curses, fire, brimstone...

You weren't wasting your time at least then Fred. ;)

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