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Ken MacLeod's comments. “If these are the early days of a better nation, there must be hope, and a hope of peace is as good as any, and far better than a hollow hoarding greed or the dry lies of an aweless god.”—Graydon Saunders Contact: kenneth dot m dot macleod at gmail dot com Blog-related emails may be quoted unless you ask otherwise.
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For the sake of the argument
Friday, November 06, 2009
The audience response came from several different points of view, and a stimulating dialogue developed. Ann Furedi of BPAS, from the floor, questioned the widespread idea of ethics as being about what we shouldn't do, rather than about what we should - a point that turned my closing response into a little rant about just what a change there would be if more of us started thinking in terms of what we bloody well should be doing. I stayed for the weekend (as a speaker, my hotel room paid for by the IoI, for which thanks) and attended as many events as I could fit in. They were for the most part just as interesting. I'm well aware that the IoI is controversial, and I don't agree with everything that they do and say, but I'll say this for them: Almost every knot of conversation I encountered, over two days and two long evenings, was a group of people arguing about ideas. You don't come across that very often, even at SF conventions. Labels: genomics, libertarian, Marxism, skiffy 19 Comments:
"Oh, I'd never noticed that Frank Furedi is the exact midpoint between Jon Wilde and Dave Reid." Reid=Moved from the hard left to the cynical right. wilde=academic who builds a libertarian/stalinist think tank funded by corporations to deny climate change etc as a platform for ill-defined political power base building. Thanks for the link to the audio of the panel Frankenstein's Daughters: from science fiction to science fact? which I listened to last night and recommend. Lots of thought provoking ideas and well worth a listen. Yes, I'm also an ex-RCP man! Though I have redeemed myself by being a CPGB/Weekly Worker man for the last 18 years ...
Danny, this is like saying you used to be a Cathar, but have redeemed yourself by having been for 18 years a Bogomil. Thanks Ken, I've always - naturally - been a big fan of the Bogomils, a lot cooler than the Cathars. I see that the CPGB/Weekly Worker group comes under the category "Other Revolutionaries" - I presume that's a good thing?!?
a should could exist without the should spoken or maybe even inferred, something like or exactly as this could do...remember....honor...
Mo chreach, a Choinneach! I'd have thought you'd have given up on the RCP/LM a long time ago. I know you had some sympathy with a few of their ideas, back in the Usenet days, but it's difficult to discern any ideas at all in them these days, other than reflex contrarianism and an eye for the wind-up. The only 'ideas' Furry Frank and his faithful acolytes have are those of the RCP/LM going back to the 90s, namely: If these are their ideas, Gerry, I heartily agree 4 out of the 5, and the exception, 'deep loathing of the Left and all its works', I would go part of the way with. All of these were expressed in my first novel, The Star Fraction, and in a great deal of what I've written since.
There are necessary corollaries to the base RCP positions:
These are not necessary corollaries of the base positions. I do not agree with any of them, except '"unconditional support" for regimes under attack from imperialist powers', as long as that is understood as defending these regimes *against imperialism*, and not necessarily against internal opposition.
Sorry, Ken, I'd hit post before changing the name settings on the last 'anon' post, which was indeed mine. Anyhoo, the RCP/LM certainly consider these to be necessary corollaries to The Thoughts of Uncle Frank. Unrestricted material and intellectual progress necessarily means that all any any impediments to such progress must be opposed. Environmentalism, whether a local community or a major NGO like Greenpeace, is necessarily an impediment to material progress, and must be opposed. Hence the infamous series Against Nature which we both know was RCP/LM from start to finish. Hence the more subtle (in that the hands of Uncle Frank and his colleagues weren't actively cited, as in AN) but as polemical The Great Global Warming Swindle, which again was the RCP/LM's work - this 'polemic' has had a long-lasting, permanent and highly damaging impact on the effort to mitigate anthropogenic climate change. Like I said, Gerry, if you think I'm going to rehash arguments from that accursed newsgroup (that were a waste of time in the first place) you have another think coming. On the other hand, if you'd like to argue about what was actually discussed at this year's Battle of Ideas - which, for the record, I found worthwhile and stimulating and relevant, unlike revisiting arguments from the 90s - go right ahead.
Some details on Frank and all his works, past and present, are here:
Oh, I'd never noticed that Frank Furedi is the exact midpoint between Jon Wilde and Dave Reid.
jim5et, at
Friday, November 06, 2009 3:19:00 pm