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For the sake of the argument
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
“I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”These 33 words, it seems, are all most of them need to convince themselves they're living in a Michael Crichton novel, and they're an army of Davids, each lockstep blogpost slinging another shiny wet pebble from the brook at the glowering forehead of the Giant Green Climate Machine. And did you know that Al Gore is rich and Michael Moore is fat? Few have stopped to think that 'adding in the real temp[erature]s' is a curious way to hide a decline in global temperatures, let alone that a decline in global temperatures for the past half-century would be hard to cover up. Even fewer have bothered to examine the context. What all this suggests to me is that the CRU scientists are probably right, and that most of the 'climate sceptics' are anything but sceptics. And the seamy side of science, which has got poor old George Monbiot to issue a gleefully hailed apology and a disgraceful call for resignations? Science corrupted by politics? Bollocks, I say. That's what science - all science - is like. Peter Watts nails it. Labels: climate, genomics, libertarian 49 Comments:The bitchy emails are an amusing sideshow. I know from your novels that you have some experience with computer code. I suggest that you look at some of the very interesting blog analysis of the programs created by the CRU to manipulate (neutral term) the data before you jump to judgement about "right-wing" deniers.
Michael Tobin has a reasonable answer to the general complaints about software:
On my TV Al Gore looks fat too but it must be a "denialist" TV then.
Neil, Neil, Neil. If you read the link I gave, you would have noticed that Tobis provided at least one example of how underfunded research actually is, NCAR being a body which "provides the university science and teaching community with the tools, facilities, and support required to perform innovative research."
(In summary- the scientists are massively underresourced, and will write commercial level code
I don't know where he spends it Guthrie he hasn't said. Is that how you think he spent the £13.7 mill? Must be a pretty good house. The point is that your defence of their lying - that they haven't the money to do real science, which you haven't withdrawn, clearly merely represents the very highest standard of honesty of which you in particular & indeed any alarmist who doesn't agree you are lying, is capable.
How odd, my comment hasn't appeared yet.
When Tshombe was running Congo he got many billions in foreign aid (he was a good anti-communist). Nobody knows, for sure, where it went though the locals didn't get it - so Gutless thinks thats all right then.
Ahh yes, you said "where one gets the white coats & humming computers with no trace of the basic principles of what might be summed up as scepticism."
TGuthrie the fact is these people have been "juggling" the figures": "doing everything to hide the decline"; using politics to subvert peer review rather than addressing the issues; hiding all the data on which their alleged conclusions are based in case somebody tries to disprove it; that every "error" is in the same direction (which is statistically impossible if it is honest error); the recently discoverd New Zealand fraud proving it is endemic; the fact that the people claiming to make statistical models are ignorant of how to do so: there there is no actual evidence of unnatural warming & that the globe is cooling proves it to any impartial source.
My apologies to everyone else on here. Neil seems even more obtuse than usual.
Oh yes, the New Zealand "fraud":
Eric Stephen Raymond's website has the program used to fake the hockey stick. Clear proof of overt fraud; clear as the file-marks on Piltdown Man's teeth.
my take on it here:
Bruce - and you know the hockey stick was faked how? Don't be shy, you can show us, then you can write it up and get it published and make yourself famous.
Since Bruce would simply be copying Professor Wegman's findings to Congress of Mann & the Hockeystickists:
Unfortunately, Eric Raymond has tripped over his cock. If you head over to John Graham-Cumming's blog, you will learn that the famous line in that program is a COMMENT. As in, commented out. As in, not actually compiled, interpreted, or executed.
I don't think I've been called an eco-fascist before for pointing out that you don't know what you are talking about. Neil - gratuitous personal insults will not be tolerated here, and if in any future comment you repeat anything like the insults in your last comment you'll find it and all further comments from you deleted on sight.
Fair enough but Guthrie did accuse me of "lack of reading comprehension"; described me as "anti-scientific"; & "fact free".
Nice snark there, Neil. Highest standard of honesty to which he aspires, the implication being that I have low standards...
My mistake- I misread ESR. On his site he says what he's got isn't the hockey stick program.
Ah, found a source for the 13.7 million, entertainingly enough via the David Icke forums...
No dispute then about £13.7 being the true total. Nor retraction of the claim they are underfunded.
Neil, its not a true total, because the money didn't go to Jones himself to spend on gadgets/ gizmos. Its not a true total because it ignores the wide variety of stuff the money was handed over for. Its not a true total because it is taken out of context and is from 16 years, and propagandising abotu 13.7 million without mentioning the tiny bit about teams of people over 16 years is just that, propaganda.
Hockey sticks aside -see Climate for why that's a favor to your crooks- the Climate Scare argument goes in a circle:
Whereas in reality what you get is:
And so on indeed.
Ah Neil, you asserted that Cru etc were carrying out cargo cult science. I don't see hwo you can ask me to prove that they were not when you didn't even give any evidence or argument to show how they were engaging in cargo cult science.
Professor Phil Jones said "I will still not pass on the data. We have 25 or so years invested in the work. Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it."
Bruce: Silence before your betters, ignorant prole! The White Gods in their White Lab coats speak only to Peer-reviewed journals, which
Oh dear. Neil, you are aware that "trying to find something wrong with it" isn't how you do science? Especially not with this stuff. What you actually do is make up your own model and database and stuff using the usual methods, and if it matches Jones et al, you can slap each other on the back. If it doesn't match, then you can accuse them of doing something wrong.
Ken, thats right. Let us not also forget the blogs by everyone from Chris Colose to Tim LAmbert via unnamed statistician Tamino. And all those who have contributed to online explanatory centres which break things down nice and simply for easy comprehension, oh, and all that stuff available from GISS and the IPCC.
Ken- I really think that's the attitude at Copenhagen. Policies must be right since they are based on peer-reviwed literature "even if we have to redefine what the peer-reviewed literature is". Apparently Monbiot's wishes will be (kind of) fulfilled, as Phil Brown has announced he's stepping down from his position... for as long as is needed to complete an investigation. A middle ground between what he suggested and my alternative on the first comment. Sounds about right to calm down the hysteria.
Indeed Nacho - Jonses' remark "What is most important is that CRU continues its world-leading research with as little interruption and diversion as possible," put it in context. The entire warming theory depends on this world leading unit, which has been proven to be merely a "cargo cult" fraud. Last time I ran into Warwick huighes junk was a a few years ago, someone tried to use them in support of their position. Needless to say, they were horribly confused, as was Warwick HUghes. He is well known for being convinced that AGW is a fraud, and is determined to prove that it is. Therefore they are unable to approach the data impartially... Anonymous (third comment from the top) - it was the 'blog analysis' of the code and comments that alerted me to what a mare's nest the whole 'scandal' is. To see people jumping up and down over comments on a program whose purpose they don't know, written in a language they don't understand, and showing no comprehension of the vast differences in what counts as good practice in writing code for a one-off science job versus writing commercial and admin software, is ... quite a learning experience, shall we say.
"Wrong" isn't an argument - see Python sketch.
Except for all that data in all the other centres like GISS...
Guthrie you clearly don't know that Stephen McIntyre was able to check the GISS data, because it hadn't been destroyed, found it was a mess & on recalculation proved the warmest recorded year was 1934. This was accepted by GISS. The alarmist reaction was to say that this was just the USA & the world figures collated by the CRU were credible world figures. Clearly that was nonsense. How fortunate for the alarmists that jones & co aren't scientists & destroyed their data or McIntyre could have proven the same about their figures.
NEWS FLASH: Peter Watts badly beaten up and arrested by members of the US Border. See here:
While the ED clothing
Monbiot's call for resignation is indeed bollocks. Other than with a full independent investigation that proves some kind of fraud, it's jumping the gun. To his credit, though, he's not concentrating on the "hiding the decline"-like ones, but on some that to me look worth investigating, like the ones that talk about avoiding FOI requests.
Nacho, at
Tuesday, November 24, 2009 11:34:00 pm