3:58 pm
by Ken
Socialism or your money back or your money back
The current issue of
Socialist Standard has an interesting
review page, including a slagging off of
Red Planets (a book I haven't read but which has a chapter about my Fall Revolution books), and a (perhaps better deserved) slagging off of Žižek's latest caper.
Right at the bottom of the page is an ad for a book I can unhesitatingly recommend,
Socialism or Your Money Back, a collection of articles from the
Standard's first century (1904 - 2004). 'A running commentary on one hundred years of history, as it happened,' the ad says, and it's right. Every article in the book is consistent in outlook, reflects the time in which it was written, and yet (for the most part) remains readable and interesting today. You don't have to agree with the book to enjoy it, or to have your thoughts (and more) provoked. I bought it for a tenner when it came out, and it was worth every penny. It's now available in the UK for a quid, plus postage. As its publishers would be the first to agree, the market affects everything. You can get the entire collection of articles (but not the introduction and comments)
free, but the book's a bargain even so.
(Why does the
SPGB have annual conferences? So that it can react quickly to events.)
Labels: far left, Marxism, reviews, skiffy
I once saw a tv show about Slovenia's great contribution to the entertainment culture, S. Zizek. It consisted of snippets of his performances,..., sorry, lectures. Each was a visual sound bite no longer than one minute. I had no idea of what each was about, unless it was his bank account. The sad point was that it was on a DVD sent to me by someone who considered this an introduction to Zizek's thought. Well, any publication that trashes such stuff must be OK.
George Berger, at
Monday, February 08, 2010 5:55:00 am