The Early Days of a Better Nation

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Interview in today's Scotsman

About ten days ago Stuart Kelly interviewed me over a cup of coffee in the Abbotsford, an Edinburgh bar that's popular with writers and journalists (and cops and criminals, according to its entirely fictitious representation in The Night Sessions) and he's turned my recorded ramblings into a coherent interview and kindly profile, for which mercy I am truly thankful, as we used to say on Lewis.

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Excellent interview, Ken.

Thanks, Neal.

I think posting the interview on Google+ persuaded two people to pick up the book.

Thanks again!

I think you'd like the book yourself :-)

I was going to order a signed copy but, unfortunately, I'll be out of the country when it's available. I'll hang on for the paperback.

Well, it's already available from Transreal. I'm just going into town to sign a few more. If you get your message to Mike Calder in the next hour or so ...

Have you seen the garbled caption on the photo though? At first glance it looks like it says it's your new home.

Emailed. I either misread the date or it has changed.

Neal - many thanks!

ejh- yes, I was quite amused at the post-apocalyptic wasteland it seems I live in.

Two days back, I wanted to create a wallpaper using inspirational words and quotes arranged like a collage or cloud. Making eye-candy word collage in any photo editor available is very tough task.
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