11:40 am
by Ken
Impending Manifestations
I have a number of public events coming up, starting tomorrow!
Friday 13 April, 5.30 pm:
Human 2.0, a panel on transhumanism/posthumanism with bioethicist Andy Miah, SF writer Justina Robson and sociologist Professor Steve Fuller at the National Museum of Scotland, as part of the
Edinburgh International Science Festival.
What does it means to be human, past, present and future? As we re-engineer the human body, and even the human genome – through technology, drugs and genetic manipulations – how do we define and value our humanity? What are the social, political and cultural challenges inherent in our enhanced future? As part of our Future Human mini festival, sociologist and author Professor Steve Fuller, and sci-fi writers Ken MacLeod and Justina Robson, join ethicist Andy Miah to mull over these compelling questions. Are we facing a re(evolution) of the species?
The following morning, I expect to bounce out of bed, shower, get dressed, pack, grab some toast and rush to the station to travel to Leicester, to arrive mid-afternoon for:
Saturday 14 to Sunday 15 April: I'm one of the Guests of Honour heading up
a guest list that most SF/F cons would kill for at the lively and highly commendable annual 'fantastic weekend for readers and writers of science fiction, fantasy and horror', now in its sixth year,
Alt.Fiction, Phoenix Digital Arts Centre, Leicester.
And that's not all! Later this month, I have another two events one night apart:
Genetic Fictions: Genes and Genre, Tue 24 Apr 2012, 18.30 - 20.00, at the Conference Centre, British Library, London, Price: £7.50 / £5 concessions.
Join leading Social Scientists from the ESRC Genomics Network, including Dr Joan Haran (Cesagen, Cardiff University) author of the forthcoming book 'Genetic Fictions: Genes, Gender and Genre', along with award-winning playwright Peter Arnott and Science Fiction author Ken MacLeod as they consider how genes and genetics are represented in literature and theatre. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. The evening will be chaired by Jude England, Head of Social Sciences at the British Library. [Further details here.]
Another day, another sci/lit event:
Wednesday 25th April 9:30am to 5pm in Zochonis TH A (B5), University of Manchester: a day-long workshop
'Putting the Science in Fiction' Interfaculty Symposium on Science and Entertainment.
Many people look suspiciously at science in fictional media and may ask themselves: Why don't the creators of fiction ever talk to real scientists? In fact, those who write novels, craft television scripts, create movies, and produce stage plays do speak with scientists on a regular basis. This workshop explores how science provides challenges and opportunities for the creators of fiction. By bringing together leading entertainment professionals, novelists, arts scholars, and scientists the workshop will forge new relationships between the scientific community and the arts/entertainment community. One goal of the workshop is to begin discussions about creating a "Science and Entertainment" collaboration programme in the UK equivalent to the Science and Entertainment Exchange run by the National Academy of Sciences in the US.
This event is free but spaces are limited - you can see how to book a place by clicking on the
Labels: coming attractions, local, self-promotion, skiffy, writing
Friday 27th April 7:30pm to 9pm at the Town Hall, Seattle, WA, USA: reading from, and discussion of new novel, Intrusion, and its anticipated reception by audiences west of the Atlantic.
Shoot... there I go again, allowing my own little fantasies to spill over into the real world blogosphere.
M. Huw Evans, at
Thursday, April 12, 2012 5:36:00 pm