2:59 pm
by Ken
Coming Attractions
Interested in writing science fiction and/or fantasy? Michael Cobley and I are teaching a short course from 1 pm Thursday 13 May to noon Sunday 17 May
at Monaick Mhor, the creative writing centre in the Highlands near Inverness. The centre is comfortable, accessible, spacious and beautifully situated. Though we already have a healthy number of bookings, a few places are still available. So if you're interested,
book now.
Later this month, on Friday 29 May I'll be
reading from and talking about the poems of Iain Banks at Aberdeen University's
May Festival. I'll also be signing copies of
the book, which at Iain's insistence includes some poems of my own.
After that my diary is reassuringly blank until the Edinburgh Book Festival in August, which is just as well because I'm writing the second volume of a space opera trilogy, having just recently delivered the first to the tender mercies of my
brilliant editor. It's all rebel robots and walking dead space mercenaries in an extrasolar posthuman conflict, and therefore something of a shift from my recent focus on the near future.
My work to date is the topic of a forthcoming
seminar at Crooked Timber, where some very bright and sharp critics dissect the books and I pick over the resulting anatomical diagrams (usually to explain where what has been charitably read as a deep engagement with a significant body of rigorous thought has in fact been gleaned from, but them's the breaks.)
Crooked Timber seminar posts and my response now linked to
"Any thoughts on the Labour wipeout in Scotland Ken?"
He asked, mischievously.
Conan the Librarian™, at
Saturday, May 09, 2015 6:57:00 pm