The Early Days of a Better Nation |
Ken MacLeod's comments. “If these are the early days of a better nation, there must be hope, and a hope of peace is as good as any, and far better than a hollow hoarding greed or the dry lies of an aweless god.”—Graydon Saunders Contact: kenneth dot m dot macleod at gmail dot com Blog-related emails may be quoted unless you ask otherwise.
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Monday, June 13, 2011
The stairwell still smelled of concrete. There was plenty of green space around, but you knew that the new housing had just been built where a year or so before there had been nothing but green space, grass and gorse. For me at that age there was a thrill in the thought that this hectare or two of habitat had just been hacked out of raw nature. That increment of suburban sprawl felt like a frontier. In the past few months I've seen documentaries about that time - a series about Scotland on film, a piece on Harold Wilson - and remembered what it was like when visible, tangible progress just kept happening. We didn't appreciate it enough, and I think I know why. Millions of people moved out of much worse places than my friend's family's old flat, out of slums and ruins and into new towns and suburbs. For the generation who'd been through the Great Depression and the Second World War - our parents - this and all that went with it was as good as socialism. For them the war was the revolution. This was their victory, this was what they'd fought for. It was their kids who didn't appreciate it. Some guy who'd grown up in a New Town - it may have been Pat Kane, talking about Cumbernauld - said that it was a great place for young families with young children, and a great place to be a kid. You could scoot out the door on your bike and ride for miles and never worry about traffic, because the pedestrian lanes swooped over and under the roads. The school buildings were new and as bright and airy as high-tech factories and office blocks, which they often looked like. But once you'd grown up a bit and stopped being a kid and became a teenager, the new towns and suburbs had a lot less to offer. My friend and I and the rest of our clique spent a lot of teenage Saturdays up in the hills above the town, looking down on the new high school and the gigantic IBM factory just a mile along the valley from it, loftily despising those of our cohort whose highest ambition was to move from the one to the other, and to live in one of the little boxes on the hillside. Most of us made haste to live in bedsits and squats and inner-city tenements, until we had kids and jobs ourselves and of course moved out to the suburbs, where ... I want to breathe that air again and the smell of concrete and victory. Labels: amazing things, Scottish politics 12 Comments:Jimmy, that's funny -- as soon as I read Ken's piece but before I saw your comment, I thought about how similar it was to my childhood in Toronto (I'm also, unsurprisingly for that place and time, the child of immigrants). My childhood in the "white heat of technology" doesn't have your romantic associations, Ken. We moved from tenement living in Edinburgh to a "proper house" with a garden front and back in Grangemouth because my father got a job in the BP refinery there. Dad's job was technical support to a research project creating foodstuffs from oil substrates - very SF, very progressive and just a bit "Grimbledon Down". He brought us all up to be good little socialists for the modern age. Grangemouth however was having none of it. Whatever measurable increase there might have been in some of our living standards the distinctive smell of Grangemouth will never mean progress to me; it smells of a cultural desert filled with bigotry and hate, engendering madness as well as respiratory disease.
...And now we have, in America, the devolution of urban spaces. Detroit, home to Henry Fords sprawling factories, is becoming depopulated, "a city of parks" -- more like it, a dangerous urban forest. In Tucson, Arizona, where I live, a suburban home is a growing liability as the time cost of the commute is becoming burdensome. (For some reason, our gasoline prices are among the lowest in the nation -- which only encourages more commuting.)
MadeleineS: I hear you- goodness knows, industrial life in the Seventies etc. was no utopia. There always were (and are) lots of people who respond badly to "the shock of the new", who hate that quality of modern life that dissolves all that is solid into air (see what I did there?)
Now the song's stuck in my head:
JamesPadraicR: Stan Goff, a Special forces soldier who became a Maoist and radical feminist, has argued that the US Army is the closest many Americans get to experiencing socialism ... and he meant that in a good way.
the US Army is the closest many Americans get to experiencing socialism ... and he meant that in a good way.
if you asked an average GI (or civilian, for that matter) about it they probably wouldn't have realized that's what it is. Lovely piece Ken. Which part of Greenock was the new house in? I also wonder what it looks like and feels like now - did it stay nice or did it decline thru lack of infrastructure, investment, tlc, etc? Presumably eg the Gibby smelled great in the 30's but degenerated [though I now see it's being regenerated].
Hi bro! The flats were I think at Mallard Crescent, which google has still standing at least! and it looks a nice part of town, but I haven't been back to look.
Grew up in Toronto, as a beneficiary of the Canadian version of the British New Model Welfare State. I remember being shaped by that, as well as many, many interesting bits and pieces of the postwar British Labour consensus: Penguin Books and Pelicans, Doctor Who, BBC docs like Bronowski's Ascent of Man...
There were distinctively Canadian bits like the National Film Board, founded as a wartime propaganda film board under the brilliant Scottish director John Grierson and often offering up a standing "critical montage" of a very Americanized late capitalism, in the name of a left-liberal Canadian nationalism (here's a piece on Grierson and his role:
It's interesting to note that this glowing tribute to Grierson was written by a right of centre journalist. Aspects of the Canadian version of the post-war consensus survive in the strangest places)
My family, Communists and Socialists all, fled from the Greek military junta in the late Sixties. They settled in a heavily immigrant west Toronto, railroad yards belonging to government owned Canadian National Railways on one side, extensive factories on the other. The neighborhood smelled of "the smoke of useful industry". In these days of deindustrialisation I'm missing that smell. For me, THAT was the smell of progress.
Jimmy Levendia, at
Wednesday, June 15, 2011 12:49:00 am