
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Six reviews and an interview

My latest novel The Corporation Wars: Emergence (Amazon UK / US) has had some good reviews, in Scotland on Sunday and on the blogs of Forbidden Planet, Blue Book Balloon, Geek Chocolate, and SF Crowsnest.

For those who'd like to know how the story has shaped up so far, the first two volumes in the trilogy were reviewed by Paul Di Filippo in Locus. I've been interviewed about the latest book and the trilogy as a whole at MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape.


  1. Hey Ken, congrats on "Emergence" coming out! Read the review in the "Scotsman" really look forward to reading it. Must say you're lookin' good in their photo. Preserved very well. Must be your youthful mind and imagination or maybe the ale : )

  2. Hi Ken - I am partway through Insurgence now and I have already put the Trilogy at the Top of my favorite book list! (happy to share the list with you via email if you like - there are some obscure authors also, but they share a similar theme).
    I will definitely be buying Emergence as well. Thank you for creating this Trilogy!

  3. clarification: *unlike you, some of the authors on my list are obscure :)

  4. Thanks Paul - I hope you continue to enjoy it. Please do send me the list.

  5. Hi Mr Macleod, I an English Language and Literature student. I have a sci-fi article to write. ı have chosen your short story, “The Entire Immense Superstructure”: An Installation, and I have some question to you.
    1. Can we say the story is an utopia to a certain extend?
    2. While new babel is an uninhabitable place (verall’s proclamation) how is it an adaptation of the wikithings?

  6. Hi Mevism

    The story is set in a kind of utopia, to which the utopia of New Babylon is counterposed. The Cold Revolution is a revolution in the sense that the Cold War was a war, and is envisaged as a slow transition to a classless society of abundance. New Babylon is a straight leap into it.

    New Babel may or may not be habitable but it's basically a WikiThing module which may or may not have life-support.
